Is Your Business Prepared For A Power Cut?
Don’t get caught out in the next power cut your business faces. Check out the list below for tips & products that may come in handy in the event of a power outage! Tips In The Event Of A Power…
Don’t get caught out in the next power cut your business faces. Check out the list below for tips & products that may come in handy in the event of a power outage! Tips In The Event Of A Power…
Cutting costs can help almost every business, perhaps now more than ever with rising costs across the board. Take a look at our money-saving tips for offices below. Generic vs Manufacturer Ink Have you ever thought about getting generic ink…
A common occurrence when buying a shredder is purchasing one that doesn’t fully meet your needs. From experience, buyers tend to underestimate the number of pages they shred and how often the shredder is actually used. Below are a few…
Most people do not consider an office to be a major source of workplace injuries and instead think of warehouses or the construction industry. However, this complacent attitude toward workplace safety can put office workers at significantly higher risk than…
Here in Ireland we’re not often exposed to blazing sunshine and 30 degree heat, but that doesn’t mean our offices don’t get stuffy, hot and uncomfortable to work in. As temperatures rise across the country, selecting the right office supplies…
In any contemporary workplace setting, office furniture plays an important role in the overall ambiance as well as productivity of employees. Most furniture you purchase will be with you for the next 15 to 20 years, so choosing the right…
For the last year, public health guidelines have asked everyone to work from home if possible. The government predicts that staff will have the option of getting back to the office from September – which, really, isn’t all that far…
While folks are working from home, now is the perfect time to reconsider what the office will look like when everyone returns. Acoustic office furniture is the perfect solution for creating a peaceful work environment so staff can get that…
Sit-stand desks offer a versatile solution to combat the health risks associated with prolonged sitting in office environments. Engaging in a sedentary job, which often involves hours of computer work, exposes employees to potential health issues such as heart disease,…
With most people working from home for the time being, there’s a great opportunity to refit your office space. Update communal areas, workspaces, and boardrooms (with consideration given for social distancing, if necessary!) and future-proof your office space to maximise…